04.22.2008 | Entertainment | 5 comments
One Morning we made pancakes and missed wiping up some of the batter on the counter. It looked just like Mickey Mouse and since Angie is in love with Mickey Mouse and Disneyland we had to take a picture of it!
04.22.08 | Entertainment
jenna: that is the funniest thing I have ever seen Ang and Matt!!! (22/04/08, 08:37)
Michelle: You should've sold it on ebay! (22/04/08, 08:47)
tammie: only angie would notice something like this :P (23/04/08, 11:03)
carrie@urbanbaby: cuteness abounds in the sloan household. xo (25/04/08, 06:56)
gretchen: LOVE IT!!!!! (25/04/08, 08:20)