06.20.2009 | Entertainment | 3 comments
so i sat in line yesterday to get the new Apple iPhone 3Gs from the Apple Store a mile from our house.
here are 2 videos i recorded already with the new amazing video recording feature!
maddux playing at the mall.
i made the Blockbuster guy dance if i bought his Strawberried Peanut Butter M&M’s! it was amazing!!!
anyone else get one?
i am excited for the new features! it’s a ton faster and doesn’t putter around on some apps.
here’s another recent video:
06.20.09 | Entertainment
Michelle Moore: HAH! I think I want an iPhone 3Gs!!! I still have the 2G. Looks awesome!! (20/06/09, 05:39)
Bobby Johnson: I didn't have to stand in line @ our local store ... because they were already sold out! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! Guess it'll be a couple of weeks yet for moi. (22/06/09, 11:24)
Fred Egan: You are making me regret my decision to be content with my iPhone 3G. (23/06/09, 01:06)