Go Outside Workshop

02.01.2012 | Workshops | 4 comments

Hey Friends! We have teamed up with Amelia and Justin Lyon of Amelia Lyon Photography to present an incredible THREE DAY workshop! It will be held on March 28th-30th in Palm Springs, CA. We have spent many hours and a handful of late nights creating a unique and exciting workshop opportunity! Check out what GO OUTSIDE is all about by visiting our website!

Expect a ton to learn, share, inspire, & laugh about! We are SUPER excited about this workshop because we get to spend time hanging out with all of the attendees, teaching, business talk, guest speakers with vendors we actually use, chatting, one-on-ones, presenting challenges, and conducting live shoots!

Be sure to sign up ASAP as seats are very limited due to space!

For further info visit our website, send an email to gooutsidewithus@gmail.com or click below to sign up ASAP!

We are so excited and we hope you can join us on this awesome adventure!!!