06.30.2009 | | 6 comments
I laid on the couch all day Sunday due to my aching back. As I laid there I looked around the house, I noticed I have a lot of Black and White decor. I have always loved black and white, not really sure why I just do:) It might be because chocolate is black and big puffy clouds are white, anyhow here is my black and white inspiration board for today:) Happy Tuesday!
Ryel j: Black and White is so timeless. I love what you captured. What a great way to make creative use of a down day :) (30/06/09, 08:47)
ANNA: oh angie, i simply love this! (30/06/09, 09:44)
Nancy: Ang. You are the BEST! (30/06/09, 06:33)
~abi~: awesome! (01/07/09, 07:54)
Moses: Exceptional pictures, any suggestions on how to get such good results?, (31/07/10, 07:10)
Elena: Technically good, but also aesthetically too!, (31/07/10, 10:14)