Yo Gabba Gabba! Premiere

03.31.2007 | Entertainment | 2 comments

Saturday July, 8th, 2006

We went back and found some photos to post. We didn’t have this blog in July of 2006, but we wanted to share a little with what we did last summer. We also found a photo of Maddux at 2 months old. That was exciting!!!

Yo Gabba Gabba! had their premiere of the first two episodes they shot. It was awesome. They had Paul Frank there and they made small little shirts for all of the kids who showed up got in the grab bag. They also got a copy of Episode 1, tons of buttons, and the shirt. They also had donations for the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles charity. It was cool. We saw two episodes and had fun. Maddux loves Yo Gabba Gabba!

Check out the official Yo Gabba Gabba! Website and their new production blog. Here is a Google Search.

Here are also some images from the premiere:

The Best Wedding Last Night and now Off To Vegas….

03.25.2007 | News | 8 comments

We had one of the best ever weddings last night (27 people in the Bridal Party)!!! We hope to be able to blog about it while we are on our trip!!! Thanks Amanda and Chris for giving us something we will never forget. You all really rocked us silly. From the West Coast Crew to the Midwest Bunch, thanks for all of the kindest words a wedding party could of ever said!!! You guys never ceased to amaze us.

We are heading off to Las Vegas from Sunday, March 25th through Friday, March 30th. We are heading to the WPPI/DWF Conferences. It’s going to be a blast. If you need to Contact us for any reason, write us an email and we will get back to you ASAP. Thanks.

Matt + Angie Sloan

Amanda’s Bridal Session

03.24.2007 | Weddings | 18 comments

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007
Bridal Session
Copperwynd Resort and Club

We had an amazing time today and Amanda was great!!! We love spending a good solid hour with the bride before her wedding day. It’s so casual and enjoyable. She was able to get into her dress, put on her makeup, and run through her wedding venue. She allowed us to get more time with her which we are so thankful. She is also so gorgeous!!! We thank you for allowing us this time with you!!!

Moss Album

03.23.2007 | News | 3 comments

We are excited to share with you a latest design from Riso Studio, Joseph Moss’s Senior 2007 Album:


p.s. We need to change it to Joseph. Sorry.