With Paisley I had a pretty crazy labor and delivery. It’ a long story so I will spare the details, but I remember lying in the hospital the night after I woke up from an emergency surgery I had to get. I was pretty drugged up and in a lot of pain. I wasn’t sure what was going on, so I just started crying. I had never been so scared.
I felt no peace. I felt no safety. I felt no comfort.
I had a long physical and mental recovery ahead of me. Eventually I had to go see a counselor for the anxietys I was having from the experience. My mind became my enemy. I started thinking negative thoughts that would hurt me so bad. I was physically making my self sick with my fears.
I have always believed that our minds are one of the strongest and most powerful things on earth. I didn’t actually know this was true until I experienced it. My thoughts were slowly beating me down. Then when My Mom died it continued.
I would replay her tears and last breath in my mind over and over. The Fear would come back. I felt no peace. I felt no safety. I felt no comfort.
So here I am. Finally, I am feeling peace. I am feeling comfort. It took a while but i’m here. It’s true when people say once you’ve hit rock bottom the only place to go is up.

I still have fears and weakness and that’s ok, i feel like it’s only natural as long as I have power over them.
So I have to thank my sister who introduced me to this book. Thanks Jen:)

This book=Incredible.
The 2nd chapter is called “A Peaceful Mind Generates Power”
You pretty much need to read this book and find out how magical life can be when you change your attitude. I believe in myself now and I believe in others. During the day if I see something beautiful l take a minute to take a mental picture. Or if I have a moment of joy I remember that feeling and hold onto it. Then when I am afraid or a negative thought comes into my mind. I remember those mental pictures and perfect feelings, they make me happy, they bring me peace.
Last but not least, I figured out if I wear a cute headband it is a lot easier to think happy thoughts. Plus I feel cute :)

Happy Sunday.
AmyPunky Photography: Beautiful photos!! I love their style!! (30/03/10, 02:56)
megan welker: gorgeous!! Love those sun rays and them on the blanket in the grass! what a sweet couple! I look forward to seeing them more! (30/03/10, 03:01)
Debi Lou: This is the best engagement session I've ever seen. It's exactly how I always wanted mine to be. I LOVE that field. :] (30/03/10, 03:03)
Chris Stewart: WOW!!!! This is so awesome!! I love your style and editing is so unique and simple. Love it!! (30/03/10, 03:03)
Eli Murray: Wow! Great photos! I love these. Love the clouds and the grassy field! Gorgeous work! (30/03/10, 03:08)
Marissa Rodriguez: So in love with these! (30/03/10, 03:16)
Tonhya Kae: Lovely. :) (30/03/10, 03:32)
Brett Arthur: I can honestly say I love each and every frame from this session. As always, a big inspiration! (30/03/10, 03:45)
tuwie: ADORABLE!!! SO MANY GREAT SHOTS IN HERE! love your trademark post processing and lighting their outfits are sooo adorable!:D :D (30/03/10, 05:36)
Mr. Haack: So sick you guys. Love the way you frame your shots. (30/03/10, 05:53)
Emilia: These are amazing! That hill totally reminds me of the hill that Wesley tumbles down in The Princess Bride! (30/03/10, 07:52)
brenda: wowzers Mr. and Mrs. Sloan!!! could these be more amazing???!!! i really don't think they could be. i LOVE these. (30/03/10, 09:09)
johnwaire | photo: ...they look like a truly fun couple to work with. great series! (31/03/10, 05:38)
anda: some of my most favorites from you ever yet! (31/03/10, 07:59)
Jenna: We love our pictures, thank you guys! See you both in a week or so :) (31/03/10, 10:24)
Elaine Gates: so fun, lovin their quilt! (01/04/10, 04:33)
julie h: Gaaah! they have amazing style! love all the color! (01/04/10, 03:11)
erin low: i love the pictures. they are absolutely stunning. this location is so perfect! (02/04/10, 09:11)
Corissa: This session is Ridonkulous!! Love love love love! you guys are amazing! (02/04/10, 03:28)
ohana photographers: super cute couple, equally cute session! (03/04/10, 07:13)
kristen: So very beautiful. I love the tones. Love em. (11/04/10, 12:14)
ben & laura: awesomesauce ... love love love the brushing the hand in the grass shot ... sooo peaceful and beautiful ... hope you two crazy cats are doing well .. hugs & high fives. (22/04/10, 10:52)