Ambrosia + Eric

04.13.2007 | Engagement Session | 10 comments

Saturday, April 7th, 2007
Engagement Session
Phoenix Science Center, Heritage Square, + Downtown Phoenix

We are really excited to share our photos from Ambrosia and Eric’s Engagement Session. They had contacted us on our most requested date: June 9th, 2007. Even though we will be in Cancun, Mexico that day, we are having the wonderful Amber Wright help us out in covering there date. We’ll be shooting the Engagement Session, Temple Session, and a Day After Session. We are so happy for them!

We shot the engagement session in downtown Phoenix and we walked around until we found the Phoenix Science Center and Heritage Park. We had never walked around Heritage Square, but we did finally find Pizzeria Bianco, which we heard is completely amazing.

Thanks Ambrosia and Eric for the great time on this session. Congrats!